Eriksson, G.I. (2018) Designing Dynamic Learning Spaces for Gifted Learners: Authentic, Augmented and Actualized Places and Placements: Wallace, B; Sisk, D; Senior, J. (Eds.) Sage Handbook of Gifted and Talented Education. Sage Publications,
Eriksson, G. I. (2015) A Comprehensive Plan For Authentic Integration Of Technology In The Gifted Curriculum. H.E. Vidergor & C. R. Harris (Eds.) Applied Practice for Educators of Gifted and Talented Learners. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers. 269-302.
Eriksson, G.I. (2015) Creating a Challenging Curriculum for High-Ability Gifted and Talented Students in Southern Africa: Inclusion for the Brightest in Botswana. Eds. Jotia, A.L.; Jankie, D. Multicultural education discourses: Breaking Barriers of Exclusion in Selected African Contexts. University of Botswana. Publisher: VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller e.K.
Harris, C; Eriksson G (2009) Gifted Immigrants and Refugees: The Gold Unmined. Proceedings of the 18th World Conference on Gifted and Talented Children. World Council for Gifted and Talented Children. Winnipeg University, Canada.
Eriksson, G. ; Smolenaers L. ( 2008). Excellence in Disguise: an examination of the reading achievement scores of bilingual and multilingual gifted and non-gifted students. Conference Proceedings : International Centre for Innovation in Education (ICEE) : Excellence in Education 2008: Future Minds and Creativity Conference Location: Descartes University, Paris, France
Eriksson, G.I.S. (2006) Applying Multicultural and Global Education Principles to the Education of Diverse Gifted and Talented Children. In Wallace, B; Eriksson G. (2006). Diversity in Gifted Education; International Perspectives and Global Issues. Oxon, U.K.: Routledge Taylor & Francis
Eriksson, G.I.S. (2006) Gifted World Citizens and Global Nomads; Developing Intercultural Excellence. In Wallace, B; Eriksson G. (2006). Diversity in Gifted Education; International Perspectives and Global Issues. Oxon, U.K.: Routledge Taylor & Francis
Wallace, B; Eriksson G. I. (2006). Diversity in Gifted Education; International Perspectives and Global Issues. Oxon, U.K.: Routledge Taylor & Francis*
Wallace, B. (1983) TASC: Thinking Actively in a Social Context. Oxford: AB Academic Publishers. Completed research, editing and graphics.
Eriksson, G.I. (1993) A Global Village Beyond 2000: Networking with Gifted Disadvantaged Children In Wallace, B (Editor) Worldwide Perspectives on Gifted Disadvantaged Children. Oxon, U.K.: ABA Educational Publishers.
Eriksson, G. I. (1990) From Future Shock to Futures Possibilities for Gifted and Talented Students. In Taylor, C.W. Expanding Awareness of Creative Potentials. University of South Africa. p. 287-293
Eriksson,G.I. (1984) Reflections on Giftedness. A guide for students, parents and teachers. Pretoria, South Africa: Haum Educational Publishers*
Eriksson, G. I. (1983) In Communication with educationally deprived and culturally different gifted children. In Editor: Roldan, A.H. Gifted and Talented, Children, Youth and Adults, Their Social Perspectives and Culture. P. 391-409. Proceedings of the Fifth World Conference on Gifted/Talented.
Dr Gillian Eriksson for Working on Gifted Issues Grant for Florida Department of Education (2007) Teaching Special Populations of Gifted and Talented Students. Statewide Training Modules for Endorsement Certificate in Gifted Education . (Designed, developed and wrote the training module for this course to be used by local school districts in training their teachers)
Selected Articles
Eriksson, G.I. (2019) Small Steps to the Stars: Advocating for High Ability and Talent Development in South Africa Through an International Collaborative Project. WorldTalent – World Giftedness Center. Issue 2, December 2019
Eriksson, G.I. (2013) Down to the bone: The Essential Thinking and Productivity of Professor Phillip Tobias, Eminent Paleoanthropologist from South Africa. Gifted Education International. Vol. 28. No.3 DOI :10.1177/0261429413485400 Sage Online:
Dr Gillian Eriksson (2011) Virtually There - Transforming Gifted Education through New Technologies, Trends and Practices in Learning, International Communication and Global Education. . Gifted Education International, Vol. 28 No. 1.7-18
Gillian Eriksson, Christine Weber, Lauri Kirsch (2012) A comprehensive plan for differentiating the training of teachers of the gifted online at the state, district and university levels in Florida, USA Gifted Education International January 2012 28: 41-57.
Dr Gillian Eriksson (2009) Authentic and Virtual Global Connections: The Transformation of Gifted Education. Gifted Education International, Vol. 26 No. 3.
Dr Carole Ruth Harris, Dr Gillian Eriksson, Dr Zenita Cunha; Dr Guenther: Dr Shoshana Rosemarin.(2009) Gifted Immigrants and Refugees – The Gold Unmined (USA; Brazil; Israel; South Africa.). Proceedings of the 18th World Conference for Gifted and Talented Children, (Promoting the Dream) Vancouver, Canada, August 3-7, 2009.
Dr Gillian Eriksson (2009) Review of Book: Wallace, B (2009) Footsteps Through The Mist. TASC International. Gifted Education International. Vol. 27; No. 1.
Eriksson-Sluti G.I. ; Zuromski, J. (2004) The Creative Personality and the Creative Process: A Case Study. Gifted Education International. Vol 17.
Eriksson-Sluti, G. I. (2001) Overcoming Giftism: Stereotypes in Gifted Education. Gifted Education International., Vol.15 (2) 2001