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UCF Gifted Education Certificate Program

Nurturing Giftedness..........inclusive approach!


The need for Elementary, Middle and Secondary Teachers to be trained in Gifted Education has never been greater!  Very few have been trained to meet the unique needs of this population, despite the extensive programs and services in local schools.  In addition,  teachers are directly involved in their identification and assessment.


Most of the current programs and curricula focused specifically on Gifted Education exist in Elementary Schools and Middle Schools, with Secondary following Gifted Electives and using Gifted Consultations for Advanced Learning. 


There is a great move to have all teachers become certified to teach gifted learners and develop strategies for all students in a Schoolwide Enrichment and Acceleration approach.  The National Association for Gifted Children has set standards for training all teachers in relevant practices.  However, at UCF we go much further and aim to meet the ADVANCED standards for teacher leaders and curriculum specialists in Gifted Education.  In Florida, the ACCEL legislation provides guidelines for serving all students in relation to relevant acceleration options within a regular classroom setting.  Diverse groups within the Gifted population range from Learning Disabled or Twice-Exceptional Gifted; Marginalized Gifted; Underserved Populations and At-Risk learners.  How to address underachievement in Gifted and HIgh Ability learners is as important as the stress and anxiety experienced by "overachievers". 

Take any one of the courses as an elective or register for the UCF GIFTED CERTIFICATE









UCF offers a unique program to train graduate students to meet the social, emotional and academic educational needs of High Ability and Gifted Learners. The online courses are differentiated for each student's context and interests.  Increase professionalism and earn Gifted Endorsement!!


Gifted Certificate Courses


  • EGI6051       Understanding Gifted/Talented Students

  • Fall semesters

  • EGI6245       Curriculum and Instruction for Teachers of Advanced, Gifted and Talented Learners

  • Fall semesters

  • EGI6417       Counseling and Guidance Strategies for Teachers of Gifted and Talented Individuals

  • Spring semesters

  • EGI6246       Education of Special Populations of Gifted Students  

  • Spring semesters

  • EGI6305       The Nature and Development of Creativity

  • Summer B semesters

  • ELECTIVE:  EGI6247    Developing Advanced Curriculum Programs and Services


5 courses in GIFTED EDUCATION CERTIFICATE Program - fully online. 

PROGRAM COORDINATOR: Dr. Gillian Eriksson, 407-8236493

Department of Learning Sciences and Educational Research, University of Central Florida






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